Sunday, March 09, 2008


After spending most of the last 4 days shovelling snow

I find it inconceivable that the weather in Santa Clara for this week's Liberty meetings could be any different.

How many inches are forecast?

I wonder if I can bring my favourite shovel as carry on?


Anonymous said...

Well, working in my front yard yesterday (which is about half a mile from Santa Clara), I decided I had to get out my shorts for the first time this season as the sun was too warm.

It is still a bit chilly in the morning, though. ;-)

Paul Madsen said...

Thak you Johannes, I have adjusted my packing accordingly (I will bring only my light-weight travel shovel)


Robert said...

One would think that as of today all technically inclined Canadians would use something like this for such demanding work?

Paul Madsen said...

Robert, regretfully, the arm was not designed to deal with slush.