Just kidding, please continue to send social invites. Really. Please?
When you don't have anything nice to say, well then perhaps its time consider a career as an analyst.
a communication channel whereby friends & colleagues interact with myself in such a way that their messages are uniformly tagged so as to facilitate appropriate processing.
.. a date of birth gathered during some questionnaire or a date of birth certified by an authority carry different business weight ..
describe(s) why claims are important for every developer and architect (not just the security expert), and I provide some heuristics for helping everybody to reason about claim based systems
You want to receive in form of claims what you'd have an hard time finding out by yourselfApplied to the issue of whether an RP should be asking for profile data, Vittorio identifies three scenarios and uses the above principle to assess the relevance of the RP asking for profile data through card claims.
Trompe-l'url: an identifier technique involving extremely realistic characters in order to create the illusion that the referenced objects really exist, instead of being mere URI representations.
The crackdown also has caused a problem for neighboring Bunkyo Ward as now smokers walk on the Bunkyo side of the boundary line so they can light up. They then leave their butts behind.
Only in the later case there can be a reasonable level of trust by the RP that the user is actually who he/she claims to be
If you (or anyone else) have a better idea to address this, please share and beers are on us next time we meet.
Imagine shrinking the beakers, eyedroppers, chemicals and heaters of a chemistry lab onto a little microchip that could dangle from a key chain.
Good things are afoot in the realm of identity and privacy, and though the footprints are small and few at this point
We now theoretically will have three different assurance levels going, based on three different ssl certificate levels (no certs, regular certs, and HA certs).For there to be 3 Cardspace assurance levels would imply that the LoA is the same for self-asserted and managed cards. Is this the case? If authentication (and not the transfer of other attributes) is the desired function, can an Infocard RP have the same level of assurance (i.e. confidence that the individual presenting the card is the valid one) in the two different models?
Can Kim take drug X without fear of drug interactions?
Is drug X on Kim's formulary?
The sensor can tell whether you're walking, running, climbing stairs, or resting....
Joe Andrieu, one of the leaders of the VRM (Vendor Relationship Management) community, has posted a good initial assessment of Microsoft’s first foray (post-Passport) of storing personal data for consumers via their Health Care Record initiative.
End-user-facing text that describes the reasons for needing access to the data types that the application is requesting access to.and
the type of access that the application requires (read, update, create, delete).
a game-changing new set of features coming from Ping to completely streamline how to perform single sign-on with partners
Windows CardSpace is client software that enables users to provide their digital identity to online services in a simple, (appropriately) secure and (sometimes) trusted way
Cronto’s technology uses a unique authorisation code for each separate transaction, based on a challenge-response mechanism.
When you register with TripIt, we ask for the basics including your name, email address and password and allow you to provide us with other information including your travel information, history and preferences.
For all TripIt visitors, not just registered users, we collect information such as IP address, browser type, domain name, access times, duration of visit, referring URL, platform, new and repeat information, time stamp and exit page information.