Bridging CardSpace and Liberty Alliance with SIM authentication
A Client-side CardSpace-Liberty Integration Architecture
Tags: Concordia
, When you don't have anything nice to say, well then perhaps its time consider a career as an analyst.
Sewage is more than just filth. It’s evidence of our worst habits, everything from caffeine to cocaine, all ingested and flushed down the toilet. Now scientists are using wastewater to drug-test entire cities, and the results are sobering.
No city wants to be known as the coke capital of the world, and some critics fear Big Brother tapping their plumbing as well as their phone line.
<OBJECT type="application/x-informationCard" name="xmlToken">
<PARAM Name="RequiredClaims" value=
But OpenID doesn’t have the privacy characteristics that would make it suitable for government applications or casual web surfing. And it doesn’t have the security characteristics necessary for financial transactions or access to private data.
Yet one more reason why you (as a CSO) should be paying attention to OpenID.
Established with singular focus, the SSO Summit will help line-of-business owners and IT understand in detail the when, where and how of SSO
Two CIOs go into a bar. The first guy says to the second 'How's it going?'. Second guy says 'Sso-sso'.
But I already logged in over there.
Oh no, I do enjoy looking at photos of your family's vacation
to Disneyland. Please hand me that bottle of pills would you?
We can go to Mars, but I still have to provide my shipping
address when I buy something online?
Your social invitations annoy me more and more.
To be honest, I find your avatar spooky.
Notwithstanding the opportunities for 'increasing her pleasure',
spam is annoying and limits productivity.
Clearly, my blog gets less traffic than it deserves.
Strangely enough, I do not wish to receive email updates
as to how often you move your bowels.
a phenomena in which a message displays momentarily in your Inbox before the spam filter kicks in and the message disappears - words like 'girth' and 'performance' appearing for just enough time to subconsciously pique your interest - this interest determined to be misplaced upon exploration.
I couldn't get on because I didnt have my username but I had my secret code so I was able to get my password changed.
Radios are righter than computers.
The TC will focus on defining human interactions (“human tasks”) as part of a WS-BPEL process, enabling these definitions to be exposed as web services.